Travel Tips

Celebrating Christmas While Travelling
Celebrating the Christmas holidays abroad can be somewhat of an art form. For us Aussies, who normally celebrate Christmas in...

Letters from Friends: Kids Travelling Full Time.
One of the wonderful things that happens when you are travelling full time, is that you tend to be drawn...

Beamish Open Air Museum – The Living History of North England
The Beamish Open Air Museum is best of interactive living history that England's North has to offer. We have been...
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Victor Harbor, South Australia – Our beautiful hometown.
What’s that popular Aussie song? “I’ve been to cities that never close down, from New York to Rio and Old London Town, but no matter how far or how wide I roam, I still call Australia home.” There’s definitely a hint of that in our lives – but Australia is
ArgeyMum Aug 25, 2017 9

Travelling with Food Sensitivities
We had a rather difficult time travelling in America. We were all getting stressed, the kids were fighting one minute, and bouncing off the walls the next. It was almost as if I had two toddlers again. I, myself, was feeling like I had a newborn with the amount of

Family Travel in the USA
Lots of people say “Why go to America? Isn’t it just like Australia or England?” and every time I say “We used to think that too!”. Now family travel in the USA is one of the things we recommend the most. There is nothing quite like the American road trip! The

The Kennedy Space Centre
One day we went to the Kennedy Space Centre. It was awesome there. It was awesome because there was lots of space stuff there like rockets, a space shuttle and a piece of the moon that we could touch. We watched a 3D movie about travelling in space. We

Bear Country USA – Rapid City, South Dakota
When we stayed at Rapid City, South Dakota, we had a day where the weather wasn’t very good so we couldn’t go to Mount Rushmore. Instead, we went into Bear Country USA. It was fun there. Bear Country is a place with bears and you can drive through the park. Bears

Mount Rushmore for Kids
How great is Mount Rushmore for kids? I loved it! It is in South Dakota, and it is an interesting place. It has the faces of presidents Lincoln, Washington, Jefferson and Roosevelt carved into the mountain and I did a really cool drawing of Mount Rushmore and I think it turned

Oklahoma State Fair
In Oklahoma we went to the really big Oklahoma State Fair and I called it our ‘Royal Adelaide Show‘ replacement. How we spent our day: At the start we went to the mini petting zoo at the park where we could feed the animals except for pigs and donkeys. There