22nd of Feb 2016 – Harry Potter London Tour:
On my birthday Mum and Dad made me get in the car blind-folded. I had no idea where we were going. When they took the blindfold off I was so surprised. They took me to the Warner Brothers Harry Potter Studio Tour in London. It was a tour of the sets. It was so cool.
I got to push the doors open to the Great Hall with two other kids because it was our birthday. In the great hall I saw the teachers outfits and the basic house costumes. The candles were hanging on ropes.
As I walked through I saw:
The Gryffindor common room and boys dormitories, wands, the Mirror of Erised, the Fat Lady’s portrait, a Gringott’s cart, the Malfoy Manor table, Umbridge’s office, Potter’s cottage, Hagrid’s hut, the Burrow, the potion’s classroom, No. 4 Privet Drive, brooms and the animal department. I’m sure there was more, but there was so much I cant remember any more right now.
One of the most interesting things was that the man who played Hagrid is not that tall, so someone who was very tall was used in the scenes where Hagrid is standing next to other people and the real Hagrid’s voice was used. The actor wore a robotic Hagrid mask and back pack so that the eyes and mouth could move.
I also went in the green screen room where we got to sit in the flying car and also on a broomstick and move around. They made a video for us.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCxbDAXfo5Q] [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atGNnyfHgW8]Update: We have been to lots of other Harry Potter filming locations in Scotland and England. We’ve also been to Kings Cross Station, to Australia House (Gringott’s Bank) and to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando. But the Harry Potter London Tour Studios are still my favourite. So much so, we went back for my birthday in 2017 as well! It was awesome!
Wow, it sounds like you had an awesome birthday! I would love to do that someday.