Tewkesbury Abbey: FrozenBury – Our Coldest Day So Far

Wednesday the 20th of January saw us venturing to see Tewksbury Abbey, and the surrounding area, with our cousins. This day just happened to be the coldest day we had experienced since leaving Australia.  The world around us was frozen.  It hadn’t snowed but everything was covered in such a  thick layer of frost that it may as well have.  It was so cold that even the spider webs were frozen.  The layer of mist in the air combined with the frosty ground was hauntingly beautiful.


They really wanted to show us Tewksbury Abbey.  Tewksbury is a little town about 25 minutes from where we were staying in Cheltenham.  I must say that the abbey didn’t disappoint.  It was simply stunning.  Being able to wander through and feel the history was incredible.  The whole building was beautiful, from it’s ornate inner ceiling, stained glass windows to the carvings and engravings on the floors and walls.

The statues and burial sites inside were also fascinating with some dating back centuries.  There are 2 newer stained glass windows in the abbey that were made to celebrate the 900th anniversary of the monks arriving at the abbey.  We thought these were simply stunning and in a style that we had never seen before.

Outside we were again greeted by mist filled fields and pathways covered with ice.  As we walked to the car after lunch we found a garden filled with little red berries that were decorated with white frost.  It made such a pretty end to a scenic outing.

Tewkesbury Abbey, Gloucestershire

If you would like to see more of these beautiful photos you can go here.

2 Replies to “Tewkesbury Abbey: FrozenBury – Our Coldest Day So Far”

    1. Thanks 🙂 I have so many more cool shots from that day but just don’t have the room on the blog to put them all up. I am thinking of getting an online photo sharing thing so I can put more up. Any ideas of what a good one is?

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