One day in very late October 2015 one very tired Dad said to his wife “I think I am going to resign from work”. She had to admit, she was slightly relieved. She had watched her husband become so very tired and a little defeated over the last few months, as the tolls of his job began to show. He had a hard job, in youth work. Even more so when you consider that he had been working in the field for 12 years, managed to get three degrees, spent the entire time in shift work, had two kids of his own, maintained a good marriage, and cared for and helped to mend the lives of so many children.
The wife had become a bit sick of things too! Constantly searching for a new house or block of land to buy, trying to keep things sorted in the all-too-small rental property they’d just moved into, and spending her days wondering if it was time to think about going back to work. Decisions! Her least favourite thing in life!
“I think I just need to take a bit of time off of work, to regroup; to work out what I want to do next.” The husband said.
“Fair enough. How much time are we talking?”
“Oh I don’t know, a few months maybe? Maybe six?…”
“Haha!… that sounds nice. Do you want to pull the kids out of school and go travelling for a year or something?” She laughed. They had talked about doing just that several times, how ‘one day’ they would just pack up and be nomadic for year. No plan, just go! But it never seemed like a reality, just a dream.
The Dad was quiet as he stared into space. The wife didn’t even notice that no answer had come.
Finally the Dad said “We could you know! That would be flipping awesome!”
Three and a half hours later, the husband and wife were at their children’s school signing papers for an exemption for 2016 and getting ready to tell the kids of their big adventure.
Now isn’t that a day to remember?
It was a mere five weeks later, that they were on a plane bound for Dubai. That first day has passed, and the year of travel has been and gone, and that family is still travelling. They move slowly, taking in the culture, and breathing air from different places. They are still adventuring, teaching their kids on the road, and learning from life.
They are just one mum, one dad, and two kids, with a lifetime to explore.
Love it!
But miss you. Xxx